Stevo Simple Boy reveals he’s abstaining until marriage

Stevo Simple Boy
In Summary

Kenyan rapper Stevo Simple Boy has revealed that he is observing celibacy until marriage.

In a recent interview with miccheque podcast, the  mihadarati hitmaker said that he doesn’t entertain any woman who wants him.

“I have never gone for sleepover at woman’s place and they never come at my place. For me I have abstained till marriage. Nanyesha. Sahi niko na two years.”

He went on to explain how he handles himself if he feels the urge to get intimate.

“Nikifeel (the urge) naoga na maji baridi,” he said.

He shared that his decision to abstain is based on the fact that the Bible has not mentioned anything to do with boyfriend and girlfriend.

“In the Bible there is nowhere it has been mentioned this thing of boyfriend and girlfriend. Adam and Eve were in marriage. There is no where in the Bible it was said that Samson and Delilah were boyfriend and girlfriend,” he said.

The rapper said that people in a relationship should visit and introduce themselves to the parents of the person they are interested in. Stevo noted that if such steps are followed, a relationship would last.

“For me I don’t agree with this matter of boyfriend and girlfriend. If you want a woman, you go to their home and talk with her parents.That will last. Don’t just meet on the road and begin ‘I love you I need you’ then you go for sleep over and then the girl ends up pregnant. What will you do?”

 #Stivo Simple Boy


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